Award Nomination in Sarcoma Awareness month – Please Vote for PAWS-GIST in the JustGiving awards!

I am writing to seek your support by voting for me (Jayne Bressington) as PAWS-GIST’s representative for the JustGiving “Outstanding Commitment” award.

Please share and encourage everyone in your network of friends to vote, raise awareness and help us continue to improve the outlook for patients diagnosed with these horrible cancers.


July is international Sarcoma awareness month. Sarcomas are rare cancers affecting soft tissues and bones. Raising awareness about sarcoma and GIST cancers and advocating for early and accurate diagnosis is vital to save lives. If a patients’ GIST or sarcoma symptoms are not recognised as cancer, action to treat is delayed, often with less favourable consequences.

This year marks the 14th anniversary of working with Dr Ramesh Bulusu to set up infrastructure in the UK to support GIST research further to my daughter Eve’s diagnosis with a paediatric wild-type GIST and being advised there were “no treatments, no cure and no research”. It is 10 years since the opening of the PAWS-GIST clinic and starting to fund research projects specifically focused on PAWS-GIST Cancer. To-date PAWS-GIST clinics have been attended by 140 UK patients.

By amazing coincidence, July also marks the opening of voting for the JustGiving awards in which I have been nominated for the “Outstanding Commitment award” for the work and fundraising that has been undertaken since starting PAWS-GIST in 2010.

It is my hope that we can use this fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of rare GIST and sarcoma cancers into public consciousness and at the same time create more opportunity to raise funds to support the specialists and researchers involved in finding better treatments for GIST cancer, so they can continue their work to improve treatments and find a cure.

All of this has only been possible as a result of your generosity, patients, families, friends, neighbours, well-wishers and everyone who has supported PAWS-GIST fundraising since 2010.

I am really proud and honoured to be representing PAWS-GIST for this award. Please share and encourage everyone in your network of friends to vote for me and help us continue to improve the outlook for patients diagnosed with these horrible cancers.

Voting closes midday 16th August 2024


@ JustGiving

Posted in PAWS-GIST News.