Andrew’s PAWS-GIST story headlines in “Liverpool Echo, Manchester Evening News, The Mirror and Yahoo News!”

Andrew who shared his story with us last month is very excited to tell us that “TODAY” his PAWS-GIST  cancer story has hit the headlines in:

The Liverpool Echo         The Mirror                           The Manchester Evening News    &       Yahoo News 


“Warning sign that saved dad’s life as he celebrated daughters’ birthday,,,”

“Dad’s life saved by serious warning sign of deadly condition while he celebrated daughter’s birthday”

‘I had no idea I had a tumour until it burst in the middle of my daughters’ birthday celebrations’

Andrew hopes to “raise awareness about rare Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours and give people hope and strength with dealing with whatever problems they have going on in life”.

He says that this evening is his last training session before he starts his 150 kilometer Liverpool/Chester/Conwy cycle ride on 21 June 2024.

He is raising funds via GIST Cancer UKs PAWS-GIST campaign page to support PAWS-GIST patients and fund more research.

Andrew says he is “trying to give back in any way he can further to the support and help he has received from the charity and the clinic”.

If you would like to support Andrew’s cycling fundraiser, this link will take you to his justgiving page

Thank you for the update Andrew we hope that you have  great time on the cycle ride!

Posted in PAWS-GIST News.