13th July – International GIST Cancer Awareness Day!

Today is International GIST Cancer Awareness Day!

A day dedicated to raising awareness about the existence of a type of cancer called GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour), a type of sarcoma cancer that most of the general public and many doctors have never heard of.

Raising awareness and helping more people understand the symptoms of GIST cancer is important as early diagnosis, as with all cancers, results in better outcomes.

GIST is an unwelcome intrusion in anyone’s life but as our featured PAWS-GIST patient Michelle’s story illustrates, there can be so much more to life despite a GIST cancer diagnosis…

Michelle’s Story

“Firstly, it’s important to say that reflecting on living with cancer is a strange thing for me to do as it’s only a small part of who I am and how I see myself, albeit it, an important part.

Secondly, my story so far is a long one… 16 years and counting!

READ Michelle’s story >>> here


Posted in PAWS-GIST News.